A Prayer for My Momma

Published on 11 November 2024 at 13:16

It's day 2 of me being consistent...yay!! Lol. Today, the devotional I'm reading is called "Sacred Questions," and I'm going to share with y'all what the Lord used to prompt me to pray specifically for my momma. It came from John 1:35-39, where Jesus invited John's disciples to "Come and See," (which any Chosen fan would instantly think of). The devotion says, "Jesus was really saying here, 'If you want to know Who I am, just follow along. See what I do, how I respond to others, how I love. Jesus didn't demand blind allegiance. He didn't ensure that those He encountered had the right beliefs or behaviors first. He invited them to walk with Him and watch His interactions. He invited them to draw their own conclusions. And this invitation sparked such curiosity that fishermen dropped their nets and tax collectors gave up their profits to follow."

Lord Jesus, I have continued to "come and see" that You are faithful, trustworthy, genuine, compassionate, loving, kind, merciful, and so much more - for years now. I have continuously prayed for my children, my parents, my siblings, and so many others, that they, too, would essentially "come and see" for themselves. And as You know, a few weeks ago, my mom joined us for our fellowship meeting, seemed to really enjoy it, and has continued to come back! This is no small feat! I know she has had church hurts, confusion, questions and doubts (I'm sure), etc. But I pray that You are at work in her heart, mind, and life, inviting her daily to "come and see." I pray that through her simple, "Yes, Lord," she will come to know You in a way that she never has before. I pray You would bless her faithfulness to follow in her mother's footsteps in doing what they were both taught in how to seek and find You. And for trying to lead her children in the same way. I also ask You to do the same with me and my children. We are all on our own journey...our own quest...doing our best, looking (or not looking) for someone to show us the way. I do know that You are THE WAY, The Truth and The Life...and I pray that all of those that I love and hold so dear would find You. 

I pray that my mom (& any others who would be willing to come) would find a genuine home, family, and community here - a place of belonging and comfort to be able to learn and grow in You. I pray for her soul to be saved and set free, for her purpose to become clear, and for her mind and heart to be redeemed and transformed. And I pray that she is just the first of many. That they will ALL "come and see!"

Again, Jesus, You are SO good, SO true, SO beautiful to behold, and SO trustworthy. Thank You, Lord, for inviting us to come. I HAVE come, I HAVE seen, and it's (YOU'RE) what keeps drawing me back. I love You. Amen.

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3 months ago

Amen I echo this prayer!!